Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Shanghai bok choy (or any stir fried veggie)

Shanghai bok choy probably isn't really bok choy at all, but it's small leafy vegetable that is best served with a light sauce. My sauce consists of only 4 ingredients:

-Chicken stock
-Corn Starch

Mix the last three together in a bowl. Bless the oil (i.e. throw the garlic into the hot oil for 10 seconds), sautee veggies in a wok for about 2 minutes until mildly wilted. Throw the sauce in, cover for 2 minutes. Uncover for 1 minute to let the sauce thicken. The veggies let off a surprising amount of water, so go easy on the volume of the sauce to avoid a watery puddle of veggies.

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